Below you will find (1) one or more (entry level) HVAC Apprentice Jobs in Hawaii that were sourced as *noted.
This is an ongoing list of companies that offer entry level jobs in the HVAC industry from time to time.
These companies are growing their business at a fairly rapid rate and sometimes require little to NO HVAC experience. Of course, experience is always preferred.
Having said that, their qualifications for employment may change in the future and "best practice" for getting hired is to be pro-active by learning as much as you can about the trade via HVAC online training classes or through brick & mortar HVAC Training Schools.
If your a complete newbie to the HVAC industry, HVAC for Beginners has information that will help you determine if this is the right field for you.
It is recommended that you explore other apprenticeship programs and learn more about becoming an HVAC Apprentice, before taking this earn-while-you-learn approach.
CPR Air Conditioning
Makawao, HI
*via CareerCactus
HVAC Service Technician Apprentice
CPR Air Conditioning is looking for an HVAC Service Technician Apprentice!
We are located on the island of Maui, Hawaii. Our office/shop is located in Makawao, however we service the entire Maui County. We are reaching in/out of state for experienced technicians.
If you're are local to the islands and have some HVAC experience we're offering a sign up bonus based upon level of experience. If you're out of state, CPR Air Conditioning will help with some travel accommodations; which will be further discussed upon phone interview.
The scope of work is a variety of equipment such as; central splits, mini splits, package units and VRV / VRF systems.
Duties for HVAC service technicians:
You can expect:
Job Type: Full-time
Pay Frequency:
This Job Is:
HVAC Schools › Apprentice Jobs Hawaii
“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.”― Albert Einstein
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Mar 02, 20 05:17 AM